ROLFING®Vickie Kovar
Serving North New Jersey and Eastern PennsylvaniaIn private practice since 1995Free 20 minute consultation
What is Rolfing?

Named after its founder, Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Rolfing Structural Integration is a form of education and bodywork that works by hand to reorganize the connective tissues, called fascia, to release chronic stressful patterns of posture and movement and to establish better balance in the body. Along with hands-on-work, Rolfing teaches you about your body and how to move with more ease, and efficiency. Rolfing can help with developmental issues in children by helping them to work more consciously and with more understanding of themselves. Rolfing helps the elderly with the accumulated history in their bodies, and can give some ease to that process. Rolfing not only works on the body, but with the client active, to engage with the process.

More than sixty years ago, Dr. Rolf recognized that the body is inherently a seamless network of tissues, rather than a collection of separate parts. These connective tissues surround, support and penetrate all of the muscles, bones, nerves and organs. Rolfing works on this web-like complex of connective tissues to release, realign, and balance the whole body in the field of gravity.

Essentially, the Rolfing process enables the body to regain the natural integrity of its form, thus enhancing postural efficiency and your freedom of movement.

Vickie KovarCertified RolferRolf Movement TeacherCranio-Sacral TherapistVisceral Manipulation
570-332-4365Call or Text for Appointment
511 Hearthstone CircleBartonsville, PA 18321